Here are the notes about the weekly meeting of the Knowledge Standards Foundation.
Robert, John, LaCroix, Sergei, Nancy, Henry, Larry, Manon, Shelly, and Tim
Action Items
Add a "What's New" section to Main Page (done)
Larry update
- Demo'd autozwi tool progress on using GPT to break up articles
- The bot even wrote the README
- We could purchase a cheap LLM and host it ourselves
Discussion about Oldpedia, who is audience? Students & academics
Discussion about A general strategy for decentralized knowledge standards
Discussion led by John about enc:// URI address https://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes/uri-schemes.xhtml
- It's considered a "Feed" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feed_URI_scheme and/or Atom:// - from v1.0, mentioned at https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4287.html
- Main idea being getting an enc:// or similar feature proposed for internet technical standards
- not important for what we are doing today, but could generate interest and support from bigger players like internet archive, and be ready for wider scalability for end users
Larry: Would be neat to be able to export all his content from larrysanger.org
Agreement that this topic is much larger than Encyclosphere project
Concern we will lose our focus
Larry: Would be interesting if EncycloReader added RSS for encyclopedia articles
Agreement to try to get AI to process mtg recordings
John: otter.ai is probably the highest tech option to try @Tim ^ also fireflies.ai
- Let's add a "What's New" section to Main Page
- Ok for others to put their important changes to the wiki in this new section, too
Tim update
- Created Foundation Directory after working on it and demo'ing to Larry this week
- Continues to add to Encyclopedia Listing
John update
- https://wiki.openzim.org/wiki/Readers could repurpose a ZIM offline reader for ZWI
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProject_Wikipedia may find some ideas from the Wikipedia Project Wiki
Discussion about creating AI front-end to encyclosphere (Larry asked Louis to do it; Louis seems interested) - ChatGPT Plugin similar to what Consensus is doing with scientific research papers.
Henry update
Working on public key problem
zwi.js library used by EncycloEngine and new cmd line program
Makes it possible for others to make JavaScript apps that use his library
LaCroix update
Discussed his idea EncycloPipe, not ready to add to What's New yet
Larry: still excited about Childrens' Encyclopedia idea
Sergei update
- Won't be difficult to add RSS to EncycloReader
- EncycloBack is working, keeps all ZWI files
- Can't add articles because server has no domain name
- Domain name is required to sign ZWI
- Fixed EncycloReader, was broken after crawlers started flooding it with requests
- Indexing every 20 mins in batches of 10 ZWI files
- Will take Larry's suggestion to brand websites with "Powered by ZWINode"